Bumps in the Road…

I must first admit in writing this post that I have struggled a little this week in staying positive and seeing the bright side of things. Thankfully for me, I am the one getting to write this post rather than my husband because he would probably say that “struggling a little” is an understatement. Nevertheless, by God’s grace and perfect timing, I have been able to come through this week gaining a little better understanding of the fact that God does have a purpose for everything that we face, no matter how big or small. While reading my devotion today, I came across Ephesians 3:13, which reminded me of Corinthians 4:16-18 “Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” It reminded me to not focus so much time on what I can see in the moment of affliction or trouble, but to instead set my eyes on My Creator and Father, the One who purposefully planned every breath of my life as a way to show His glory.  Wow! It is such a breath-taking statement to ponder upon: God chose to use my life for His glory. My devotion talked about how Jesus came to shed His blood for our sins, so that through His blood, we might become heirs of God’s promises. The author of the devotion also talked about how powerful, and in my mind humbling, it was for Somebody (God) to choose to bring us into His family as a child and heir when we are a nobody. We didn’t deserve anything from God for the exception of death, yet He chose to not only save us from that fate, but He also chose to lavish upon us all of the wonderful riches that come with knowing Jesus Christ as Savior. He chose to love a nobody like me and you. To me, this is an overwhelming thought that we all should ponder upon. After thinking more and more about it, I have come to the realization that those bumps in the road don’t compare when I take the time to stop and think about what the Lord has done for me. So, I have a better understanding now of why God allows us to go through things that might not be pleasant. Maybe it’s to make us realize that we are wasting away here. Maybe it’s to point us closer to Him and His Kingdom. Maybe, just maybe, He is trying to show us that nothing can compare to His love for us. However the Lord chooses to use the trials we face, I am so thankful that He is using this nobody life to bring glory to the One who is Somebody. 

As the Fog Lifts

Yesterday, as I was reading my devotional on Ephesians, a particular verse that I usually tend to read over stood out in my head. I have been able to in some manner (however little it may be) to comprehend that I was made alive in Christ Jesus through the shedding of His blood, even though recognition of the truth always makes me turn to a heart filled with praise. The verse that my eyes had not yet been opened to was Ephesians 2:7 which states, “…so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.” Now to this seemingly simple yet complex verse you might ask why it is of so much importance to me. Here’s why: It makes me stand in awe of the fact that not only did God love us enough to send His only Son to die for my sins, but He loves us enough to do more. Paul explains that God wishes to reveal to us or others His exceeding grace towards us. To me, that means that not only would believers recognize their need for a Savior and accept that gift, but God would use His grace towards us undeserving people as an example of His love and power. I might be off here, but I think the text also may be saying that God will reveal His grace to us in a deeper way so that we have a better grasp or understanding of the grace that has been given to us. This is not to say that we will ever be able to fully understand our Father and Creator, but simply to learn and be in awe a little bit more of the Almighty God that we serve.

It has truly been such a blessing to my life this past week to be able to delve a little deeper into Scripture and reconnect with the One whom I Love. It’s is amazing how the Lord works in our lives, and the peace He gives when we follow His lead and put aside the sin that can so quickly entangle us. Slowly but surely, I am seeing the break in the fog of my life, and the rays of joy are starting to shine their light to overpower the clouds of negativity. I have to say that even though it has not proven to be an easy week, it has been one that is filled with much greater joy and happiness because I feel that I am dwelling more and more in the presence of the Lord. 

I have been blessed also this week to have a new student in my classroom. This student has been a blessing in my classroom already, and I know that the Lord has had a hand in placing him in my class as a breath of fresh air. I also have to say that I am so blessed to have one amazing husband. He is so dedicated to our family, and he works so hard for us. He even cooked dinner last night for us (which was delicious) because he knew that I had a long day. I am also blessed to have a couple of really great friends that I am so thankful for this week! These two ladies are such Godly examples for me, and I love them both very much!

As a side note, I am personally hoping for at least a little snow tomorrow 🙂 I apologize for another lengthy post, but I just had too much to say!